Friday, March 6, 2009


So, I'm just having a relaxed Friday night at home, updating the blog... add a pint of ice cream and a dozen cats and I would sound pretty pathetic. BUT on the contrary, I am up to some pretty cool stuff! Some of my friends were going out tonight, but my friend Julia and I are going to Toledo tomorrow around 9am... It was the former capital of Spain (and where they made the swords for Lord of the Rings... look how cool I am now ha). Anyways, we're just going for the day and coming back to hit the town tomorrow night! I'll take some pictures with my disposable cam! You'll all have to be a tad bit patient (how conditioned we are to the instant gratification of the digital camera)! The bus to Toledo is only 4euros. So, it's a pretty good deal, and I've heard it's really cool. The painter El Greco had a house (now museum) there!
Hmm, what else happened today? I went grocery shopping. Oh, I got up early for a morning class that ended up being cancelled. It was worth going though because a girl in the class told me I look a lot like Aishwarya Rai... I walked away without administering an eye exam because when all else fails, there's always delusion! I'll take what I can get!

Oh, I also booked a trip to Lisboa today (don't call it Lisbon or the locals will think you are saying "lesbian"). I'm going with two of my friends, the aforementioned Julia (the Aussie, far left with black hoodie in first pic below and then the one really close to the camera in the 2nd) and one of the Germans, Sibs or Sibkins (one pictured in the white hoodie...I call her these names because I quite frankly cannot pronounce/don't really know her name). I'm so excited because it's supposed to be 20 grados (20 degrees C... I think that converts to about 70 degrees F) and sunny!! It's been cold for the past two days in Madrid, but I won't say the temperature because I understand it's all relative! So.........I'm SO excited to go to a city/country where finding a novelty item with the name "Marie Figueiredo" printed on it isn't absurd! Call me crazy... I just want a nice license plate or pen with my name on it for once!
I'm excited, and hopefully I will be able to go to Cristiano Ronaldo's CR7 boutique that his sister runs. And if she tries to set me up on a date with her brother, then so be it... Sorry, what was I saying? I think I just drifted off into a daydream!

Okay, I'm going to take a shower and do some homework and get my act together! I'll post a few pictures from last weekend so you guys don't think my friends are "Gossi"s... I hope all the Rochesterians have fun celebrating CAT's bday.
so, 2 of the pics below were taken by Jess'(denim jacket) camera, and 2 by dad's old Palm Pilot. Guess which are which...


Unknown said...

yay for friday blog posts! those pictures are so fun- your friends are so cute! def. check out CR7!! it sounds like everything is going so well... oh, just jetting off to toledo?? my weekend is almost going to be as cool.... writing a paper for class...:P

Sheila said...

sounds like you are having a fabulous time. gypsies and pickpockets huh??? I am so envious of your Easter trip! One of the most memorable places that Jim and I visited in Rome was the scavi under the Vatican. You need special tickets to get into it. Father Madden helped us get them. f you want to get into the Uffizzi in Florence you should book your tickets ahead of time. The lines are very long!
How long did it take youto go through the Prado? Let me know if you like Segovia or Toledo better!

Aq said...

i have ALWAYS wanted something with my name on it. i knew enough even as a child never to bother looking for allegra, but i have never even seen an allie spelled the right way. who are these people making these novelty items anyway? i can't tell you how many times i see barbaras and herberts and weird names like that. uncool. so uncool.

Unknown said...

Cool! Can't wait to hear about Toledo:) Maybe you could get Joe and Steve swords while you're there...Your Easter trip sounds amazing!