Sunday, January 25, 2009

Last-Minute Advice

So, I am leaving tomorrow for Spain. Here's to this blog becoming relevant! I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to say goodbye to a lot of family and friends in the last couple of days (and even meet a new family member). I would like to share with you some of the last-minute gems of wisdom they shared with me, advice for the road, tips you won't find on lonelyplanet:

*1. If you see gypsies, run for your life.
2. In order to protect your belongings, look angry. Put on your angriest face, and you will be okay.
3. Wear all black.
4. Don't trust any one.

Well, I guess that's good news for all the gypsy-hatin' goths out there...? :P Wish me luck.

*You can try to guess which family members said what if you want...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

#1 was sooo Sheila- she was traumatized by her experience in Moscow....