Sunday, November 14, 2010





Emily said...

Is that a house built into a cave?? Coolest house ever!

figuei said...

YEAH. That picture doesn't even do it a little bit of justice. I had to steal that pic from my friend's camera because I left my (fully charged) camera at home). Anyways, this house was nestled into the cave, and they had these 3 adorable dogs in their yard, and lemon trees, and they also had three horses. and there was a mini-cave to the side of the house, where they lady fenced off a place to do her laundry. SO QUAINT. may have to go back if you guys ever visit here!!!!

Emily said...

Bunyola?? Still?

Sara said...

i need this blog to be updated ;)

Steve said...

how long have you been hiking around bunyola?

Unknown said...

How often do you go to Bunyola? And you wear the same thing every time?

Blurt said...

Bunyola!!! What the heck. Are you living in Bunyola? I thought you were living in Palma. I know that you are in a location where time stands still but does that mean you do not have to change your clothes?

Joe Figueiredo said...

Come on Mari! We're on pins and needles to knw what has happened since BUNYOLA!!!! Did you make it back? PLEASE, for the love of all things holy, can you write another blog post?! I hope you are well!

GJoJo said...

We loved Bunyola,
It was so sweet.
If you updated it would be a treat!
BTW, how are your feet?

LOTR fan said...

Are the people who live in these caves dwarf-like in size and manner?

Unknown said...

This is still here? No new post? How much cyber bullying must we do before we get an update???

Emily said...

Seriously! I'd rather see the "bunyola" that mom said she had on her foot than see this blog post one more time!

Joe Figueiredo said...

MARI! Come on! Please don't make mom show us her Bunyola's! We missed you at Thanksgiving....well, I'm sure someone did...Sophie updates her blog more than you do, and she's not even a year old! :) Talk soon!

Sara said...

will blogspot shut you down due to inactivity?

Joe Figueiredo said...

Not if we keep posting! BUNYOLA FOREVER (arms raised in "V" shape for victory)!!!!!!!!!!