Saturday, January 22, 2011

No blog posts until LSAT

I repeat, no blog posts until the LSAT on February 12, 2011. Thank you for your patience.


Joe Figueiredo said...

February 15th and counting...

Joe Figueiredo said...

February 16th...

Emily said...

Still February 16th...

Joe Figueiredo said...

February 17th....

Sara said...

17th and a half...

Joe Figueiredo said...

February 18th....

Emily said...

February 22.....

Joe Figueiredo said...

still February 22nd

Joe Figueiredo said...

February 23rd....

stevefig said...

February 23rd, 11:45 AM EST

Emily said...

February 24th...we're not even making the comments interesting for you anymore, mar. entertain us!

Joe Figueiredo said...

February 24th continues...

Sara said...

wow, this has been a long day...

Joe Figueiredo said...

February 25th...Mari, get off your bunyola please!

Emily said...

Marie you're obviously being a bad role model for sophie-- as her blog is also now on hiatus. come on!

stevefig said...

mari, don't make me embarass you and update my blog before you get a chance to...

Joe Figueiredo said...

February 28th...

Sara said...

there'd better be some good "craic" on this blog soon....

Joe Figueiredo said...

March 1st....a whole new month! I would even accept it if you posted a link to Sophies blog! Anything!

Joe Figueiredo said...

March 2nd...

Joe Figueiredo said...

I will carry on alone if I must!

Emily said...

I'm with you still, Joe! The world is watching, Marie. Your move.

Joe Figueiredo said...

That means trouble, because where Emily stands, so does Charlie! Mari, March 4th...

Emily said...

And Charlie is doing a lot of standing these days!

Sara said...

don't worry, i'm still a part of this sad little tribe, too....
i wonder, at what point will i give up??

fig said...

and the winner is... "get of your bunyola"
im so sorry guys

fig said...
