Thursday, October 14, 2010

2-day School week

End of the two-day school week already… and I’m exhausted.  I had to do a 40-minute presentation on Canadian immigration in a class with the comprehension level of 6 yr-olds.  It was so difficult.  Other than that, things were ridiculous as per usual.  Yesterday in music class, I danced a traditional Mallorquin folk dance with a kid who’s literally 4 feet tall.  And today, one of the lunch monitors mistook me for a student so she was telling me I couldn’t leave the building.  Ridiculous.  I do not look U-17!  Plans for the afternoon: sleep!

1 comment:

Joe Figueiredo said...

"Exhausted"?! Mari, sounds like you are overworked! You should go to the beach and have some Tapas or earned it :)