Monday, October 4, 2010

La copa mundial y yo


Today, the WORLD CUP was being shown for 7 hours at “La Caixa,” an art gallery and cultural centre.  They were showing it in a room on the second floor that has a Manet exhibit going on.   Virtually none of the foreign tourists here knew what was going on because they only advertised that it was here in the Diaria Mallorca, the local Spanish paper.   I waited in line for about an hour, and the Spanish couple behind me in line was talking about how it just looked like everyone was in line to see the Manet exhibit.  Literally, there were no signs saying that the World Cup was there, and everyone was being very secretive about why they were in line.  At one point, a British guy asked the lady who works there what the deal was, and what was showing there… and she just told him it was a temporary exhibit and gestured toward a poster advertising the art exhibit.  Kind of brutal.  The kids in front of me in line were playing POGS with wrestlers pictured on them.  It was sort of awesome to see that such a ridiculous fad has spread to Spain.


Unknown said...

Okay - so it that really the REAL World Cup??? And you were allowed to touch it??? AMAZING!

Emily said...

Very very cool! I can't believe that lady didn't tell the British guy what was actually going on. I mean it's one thing not to advertise, but to avoid a direct question. That's nuts. I'm glad you've got your finger on the pulse. What if you had missed it and found out later???

figuei said...

YEP,the REAL world cup!!!?! A little kid in front of me was trying to bite it, but the security guards weren't having much of that. I didn't have school today; so, I'm really glad I made it when the line wasn't too long.

Joe Figueiredo said...

That doesn't look like a cup at all...that is pretty sweet mars! Way to follow the clues! How come you didn't speak up and help the poor brit?

Sara said...

SO awesome... you got closer to it than poor tibor did....