Sunday, February 1, 2009

A few trivialities...

Currently, it is snowing in Madrid. Allegedly, this is rare, but it has happened at least twice already this year. Every other day it has been about 14 degrees C and sunny; so, I think I've found a place more temperamental than Rochester weather-wise.

Anyways, I tried to make it to mass this morning, but ended up grabbing the wrong bus due to being impatient and hopping on the next one traveling in the desired direction... So, that was kind of a wash.

While I sit here coordinating tomorrow's visits to the Santiago Bernabeu (Real Madrid's stadium) and some of the museums, I am just going to write some of the random, random things I have observed in my (almost a) week here:

1. Their tap water is delicious. Apparently, Spaniards are famously proud of it, and now I know why. So, if you go to a restaurant order "agua del grifo" because if you just say "agua," they will probably just give you a bottle of water.

2. Never buy a newspaper because it is highly likely that you will run into today's copy of "El Pais" or "Que" on the train. Honestly, I have read the newspaper every day this way. Unfortunately, "Que" is a bit inane, with only a few feature articles mostly about random municipal news, like the problem Madrid is having with "Caca de perros" (Dog poo) for example. Actually, come to think about it, there was some interesting stuff about electoral parties in the Basque region...

3. People are less attached to their ipods and cell phones on the metro. I might be mistaken, but it is more likely for them to be just reading something random. I have seen more than a few people practicing reading English in the metro. Ipods and cell phones are far more common on the train system. Also, most cell phone plans come with headphones (for blue tooth and the radio) so that's pretty common. Also, groups of teenagers play their music like a boombox on the train, mostly hoodlum boys with crazy spanish rap.

Okay, more later!

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