Friday, February 6, 2009

La Vida Loca

Hola todos, it's been a busy couple of days, and I don't know if I'm going to get around to writing about the Prado and Thyssen museums (especially the Thyssen, due to Steve's sensitivity regarding the O'Keeffe from the previous post ha). Anyways, next time I talk to you, ask me about it, although I can't guarantee I'll shut up once I start talking. ALSO, sidenote, I've only used an audioguide once at a museum and it was at the Prado, and it was the best decision I've ever made.
Okay, so last night, I went to Alcala to have my weekly visit with Matt and his Loyola friends. They had a nice tapas potluck and wine dealy that I partook in. Then we went out. For those of you who have been reading the blog from the beginning, they played a couple of SHAKIRA songs at the second bar we went to so I was very happy/ dancing up a storm!
Anyways, after returning to Madrid today, I had a chance to hang out with two kids in my residence who I've been in touch with since the International Students Orientation meeting on Wednesday. Jenny was actually in a bunch of my Spanish/Portuguese courses over the years at U of T, but we had never spoken before the meeting on Wednesday, and she is a very nice girl who actually went to language school in Madrid for 3 months a couple years ago. Andres lives 2 doors down from me, and he's from Mexico/San Diego. He really likes soccer and a lot of the same music as me; so, that's cool, and we're definitely planning to see Real Madrid play.
Anyways, we went into Madrid tonight and met up with Jenny's friend Alberto who's from Barcelona but is doing his Masters in Madrid and he basically took a metro map and circled everywhere we need to go, gave us the lowdown on the weather, the neighbourhoods, the culture, etc. It was really quite fun and informative. Also, Alberto doesn't speak any English, and I felt totally comfortable and could understand what he was saying and interject when necessary. It was good.
We went to this place near Gran Via called Monteditos, I think... anyways, everything there was 1 or 2 euros, and it was delicious! The cerveza clara was SO good. It is Cruz Campo brand beer (which like corona) mixed with lemon soda. It was almost cider-esque but not quite as sweet. I quite enjoyed it. Also, the bocadillos, pictured below, were VERY good. You could order them with pan normal (white bread) or pan integral (wheat), and they came with chips... which I OF COURSE stuffed in my bocadillos just like I used to during hot lunches at Seton hah gives it a nice crunch. Anyways, picture mini sub sandwiches with a variety of fillings... one of mine was filled with brie and chorizo, one with tuna and olive oil and a mayo-esque sauce (alioli?), and the BEST ONE was filled with jamon iberico and some sort of tomato-based oil sauce. Every Spanish person raves about jamon iberico (thinly sliced, cured ham), but honestly ham is not my favourite and I was super skeptical. I am currently going on the record to say that it was highly delicious!
Anyways, I should go to bed now because the three of us are going to Segovia tomorrow morning for the day. It's the capital of Castile y Leon, and it has a Roman aqueduct and a really nice cathedral that I will be taking pictures of and describing to you in my next post!! Take care everybody!

1 comment:

JA said...

Where oh where did my bored, lonely daughter go? What have you done with her? This sounds like so much fun!