Saturday, July 17, 2010

My future home away from home


Starting in October, I will be teaching grades 7-12 in Binissalem, a medieval village a hop, skip and a jump inland from where I’ll be living, Palma, Mallorca.  Mallorca (in Catalan and Castellano, proper English title is ‘Majorca’) is one of the Balearic Islands in the western Mediterranean (pictured above).  The smaller map shows a red circle, which represents Binissalem, and the yellow dot on the western coast of the island is where Palma is located.  Binissalem is the wine-producing capital of the region, or the bread basket, so to speak.  The famous Cathedral of Palma is pictured as well as one of the many coves Mallorca is famous for.  I will be teaching with a program through the Ministry of Education of Spain and assisting an English Language teacher in a bilingual public school.  They speak mainly mallorqui (a dialect of catalan) and castellano (or what we call Spanish), though it seems there are quite a few German and British expats on the island, from what research I’ve done.  However, I will be there during the off-season (October- May); so, I guess we shall see the logistics when I get there.  It should be an adventure to say the very least.

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