Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Madrid Card Day 2- Pretty much comatose...

I went to two art museums today, El Prado and the Thyssen Bornemisza... They were both amazing, and I spent the whole day between the two; so... I'm exhausted and will write about this experience more later, but for now I just wanted to say that there was a visiting exhibit at the Thyssen.... from the Albright Knox in Buffalo, NY. Also, I wanted to post a picture I snuck in of a Georgia O'Keeffe sunset that looks EERILY like that SBTW arts and crafts project Stevie didn't get a super on for lack of glitter... Sorry to drudge up unpleasant memories, it's just uncanny!


Emily said...

wow, that does look a lot like stevie's sbtw project. the colors are spot on.

stevefig12 said...

noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! wait. yes.

it does look like my masterpiece.

Unknown said...

are you absolutely SURE it was georgia o's? i thought steve was showing a few pieces at the thyssen...?? or was that the tate... i always mix them up...

figuei said...

hahah MAYbe, just maybe the arts and crafts nazi didn't like your project because she thought it was plagiarism...?