Saturday, October 30, 2010

Boots of Spanish Leather

Never heard this version before, but I like it!


I was needing shoes for the “winter” here, and  I’ve been wanting boots from Spain since my last trip because the leather goods are really good quality.  I kept holding off in Madrid because they were really, really expensive.  I found these boots today, and  I’m psyched because I think they’re really cute and practical, and they were handmade in Mallorca.  I found them at a local handcrafted products store one of my teachers told me about, and they were only 26 euros, which is a steal considering how well-made they are.  They would be at least $80 in the States!  Tonight, I’m going to a Halloween party at my friend’s cottage in the village of Sineu, which is as mom so eloquently put it, “the belly button of the island.”

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