Saturday, October 2, 2010

First week in the bag

Hello all, yesterday marked the one-week mark in my island adventure.  It feels like I’ve been here a lot longer because I’m still living out of my luggage in the hostel, and some dirty laundry has accumulated, of course.  I moved to a hostel in the historic center and met three girls from my program who have been pretty great companions to me thus far.  Yesterday, we had our orientation, and it was really well-organized, on-time, informative, really pretty ideal.  It was held in this cultural center where they also have art exhibits showing, and it ended in a beautiful courtyard where there were buffet-style nibbles like bite-size tortilla espanola, cups of a delicious salad, phyllo pastry stuffed with fish and peas and onions, etc.  They were also serving various wines, and cups of melon pulp sprinkled with ham… of course, ham. 

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Here are some pictures on the walk back from the beach one day.  And don’t worry, there is much more to this place than the beach.  There is a lot to do on the island, actually, it’s a very active place.  I have a lot of free time, as I’m only working three days a week (Tuesdays through Thursday); so, I’m quickly gathering a list of hobbies.  But all in time.  I have to install myself in my apartment first! 

I’m moving into my apartment in three hours or so, and I can hardly wait. Yesterday I met up with my roommate who is from Bolivia, and she seems great.  She has two jobs and is studying full time in the afternoon; so, she is spread pretty thin.  She’s a great language resource, as she doesn’t speak any English, and the conversation was good.  She’s very helpful.  Her boyfriend is Peruvian, and my other roommate is from Spain.  So, I am really looking forward to a lovely little crash-course.  The Venezuelan girl whose room I’m taking over is flying off to Germany this afternoon.  She’s lived in the apartment with the Bolivian girl for two years so they’re having a big goodbye lunch for her before she goes, which I’m going to.  It should be nice.  Well, I hope all is well, and I will be posting shortly with pictures of my apartment.


Sara said...

i cannot believe the background in that pic of you-- absolutely gorgeous photo, all around!

Maura said...

Thanks for all of the info and pictures. I'm glad to hear all is going well. The food sounds delicious.