Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The buzz

Not too much new here…  I’ve had a bit of time to explore lately just walking to and fro, and I’m really excited because I’ve gotten a wind in my Spanish-speaking sails so to speak… I’ve been making friends all over the place here, mostly random cafe barkeeps who keep the coffee and interesting conversation coming!  It’s great to discover new haunts, and I’ve found some pretty prime-time study/reading/writing nooks.  It feels great to feel confident in my speaking.  Even though I’m not perfect, I’ve definitely turned a corner and finally have a personality in this language... it’s about time. 

Wednesdays are my earliest day, so today I had to wake up at 6:30 to catch the 7:09 train for school.  It’s a 10-minute walk to the train station here, and the 7:09 arrives into Binissalem at 7:35.   I have to be in school by 8.  The train station in Binissalem is on the other side of town from the school, so it’s about a 15-20 minute walk depending on my pace.  At that time in the morning, it is a pretty brisk stroll because the sun isn’t out yet, and you can hear roosters crowing in the background.  It’s a nice walk though and helps wake me up a bit. 

At school today, I was mistaken for a student again by a different parent lunch monitor who wanted to stop me from leaving the building… good grief!  School was good today, but now I’m tired.  Wish I was more interesting right now.  Maybe I’ll be more interesting after a siesta…

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