Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Spanish Doppelganger

One of my best friends went to Europe after our high school graduation and saw this poster on the street in Barcelona: hahalexShe (obviously) had to take a picture of it and send it to me because the name “Maria Figueroa” is really similar to my name, and, well, basically it’s funny to imagine that I had a secret career as a child belly dancer in Spain. Years later, we’ll still reference little Maria, when I jokingly bust a move, for instance. Finally, a few days ago, I had the brilliant idea to see what the deal is with this little Spanish diva. After a quick YouTube search and a lot of soul-searching, I’ve decided to post my findings:

I think this video is funny in its own right, all long-standing jokes aside. ¡Hostia! I can’t wait to watch more Spanish television programming when I get there…

Dear reader, if you are as astonished as I am by the musical talents displayed above, you should check out the truly chilling rendition Maria does of Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” (in Spanish, “Voy a Vivir”) or my personal favorite, this heated collaboration.


Sara said...

amazing. hauntingly beautiful...

Sheila said...

Haunting is right!!