Tuesday, October 5, 2010

1st Day Jitters

So, today was my first day at school.   Off to a great start, the train came about two minutes early; so, I missed it and had to wait half an hour for the next one to come.  So… I was a little late, and I was sweating by the time I got to school because it was so hot out.  I know you guys back at home can’t commiserate with that whole warm-weather situation, and I’m  sorry for that, but in this one particular instance, I would have been loving a brisk autumn breeze, or at least my pits could have used it.  Anyways, the secretary reassured me when I got there and I went to class, where the teacher said he didn’t even know I was supposed to be there today.  Anyways, it wasn’t a big deal because I guess they decided I would spend the first week just observing classes, which is fine by me…

Music class was a bit chaotic.  The teacher told the kids I don’t understand any Spanish, which of course fueled giggles amongst a group of “cool” boys, the ringleader of which goes in spanish, “WAIT.  So she can’t understand ANYTHING.  I’m saying.  RIGHT.  now!??!?!” and I was sort of thinking, “oyyy,” but I said in English, “Just because I can’t understand you doesn’t mean you can talk about me!”  That’s when I realized they really had no idea what I was saying and they are going to have a hard time understanding me…

ANYways, we were singing this song called “Big, Big Girl” that isn’t even really 100% grammatically sound, for the record, and then the teacher tells me to go on the piano and try to play.  I was mortified!! I haven’t read music in like 10 years.  It wasn’t really that bad, as the kids in the class were all playing recorder and singing, and the teacher was playing guitar.  When a girl came out on the bongos is when I realized that this whole situation was turning very School of Rock very quickly.  Basically, all I could do is laugh all day.  The poor kids in the music class were so cute but really had trouble with english.  At the end of class, one kid ran up to me in despair and shouted in Spanish, “but how can I talk to you if you don’t speak Spanish?” It was so sad.

Then I went to a class where they were teaching English grammar, and they asked me about myself.  Weirdest questions. ever.  I think they were confused whether I was Canadian or Canarian (from the Islas canarias) because they were asking me if I knew Javier Bardem.  They were hilarious, but it was VERY difficult explaining that I’m both American and Canadian.  Other questions that were funny: “Why is your skin so dark?” haha, um, “are you a yoga teacher?” hhaha absolutely no idea where that came from.  The next class went the same, except they were a little more advanced, and I had a little posse of girls wanting to know everything about me and if I was coming on the trip to Germany in November (unfortunately the answer is no).  I’m pretty sure I’m not going due to finances.  I mean, I spent my 20 minute break having a lecture in catalan about how the economic crisis has affected education jobs and budgets and how we have to focus on the quality of public education despite cutbacks and the 40% drop-out rate… or at least that’s what I think the guy was saying… again, another situation in which I could do nothing but laugh in my head because he could have been talking about anything, and I was just sitting there letting it wash over me while putting words in his mouth.

So, yes, it was quite the funny first day.  I just got back from tapas hopping on the Tuesday night route and met some new friends, two girls in my program, a guy from Uruguay and a spaniard, all in all a great evening, much spanish was spoken, good times were had, etc.  I have to wake up in 5 hours which is a little bothersome, but, what can ya do!?  hasta luego, amigos


Emily said...

I was just showing Phil your latest blog post and he said "It's like kindergarten cop... except with subtitles." Then when I told him I was going to comment that right now he said "tell her she should buy a ferret." thought you'd appreciate :)

figuei said...

hahahah awesome. it is almost as absurd as kindergarten cop. maybe i'll get a chinchilla hah

Maura said...

It sounds like the students you are working with are a lot like the ones I know, except for here it is silly bandz and there it is pogs!?. There is never a dull moment when you are working in a school. Did you offer to play "if I were a rich man"or are you saving it... I'm sure everyone would have been impressed.